
Do you have a problem with the game?

Here are some frequent issues and a few tips on how to solve them:

Do you have a different issue? Please use the issue tracker below.

Need priority support? Add m.kamminga on Skype or try contacting me on steam. (link on the top of the page)

When you need support please be sure to provide me with the following info:

  • Windows Or Linux version? (for example windows xp? vista? windows 10? Ubuntu 16.06?)
  • Video-card (for example NVIDIA GTX 650 or AMD FURY X) (See this page on how to get this info…)

Current Project: LemmingBallZ

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ID# Status: Type: Title: Submitter: Assigned: Date: Priority: Version:


Bug Kiball fire animation not working loozzer 02/11/2017 3 8998


Feature Request multicolored auras loozzer 07/02/2017 3 9022


Bug Player size loozzer 07/02/2017 3 9022


Bug Game not detecting left+right input on gamepads CommanderHunter 02/20/2019 3 8998


Feature Request Show rankings in the name loozzer Menne Kamminga 02/11/2017 3 9023


Bug Disable bots in multiplayer games loozzer Menne Kamminga 05/21/2017 3 9023


In Progress
Bug 13xmlparserfail when updating from russia or brazil Menne Kamminga Menne Kamminga 09/12/2016 3 8998

65 thoughts on “Support”

  1. I using Linux mint 18.3.After downloading when I run I get a error message:”error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory”
    please help me.

  2. Hi, when i start the game menu won’t appear and i tried the updatefix. Pls help!!!

  3. Mine says:
    run time error!
    (the program)
    this program has request the run time to terminate it in an unusual way.

    It does this every time i try to open it, but only after the game data has been installed. (im on windows)

  4. I updated my graphic driver and it still show the opengl problem. i have two graphics. intel 3000 and nvidia gt 520 mx

  5. when i start a game the characters don’t appear and when i try to select the game crashes

  6. The error “framebuffer shadow map code 36059: update dri
    ver!” Can be solved?

  7. “Error “compatible OpenGL renderer was not found” ? Just update your video-card drivers…”
    Even after I update my video-card drivers, the same error remains. Any solution?

      1. please help me i want to play this game but open gl error remains even my video card drivers are updates please help!

          1. Hey Menne!

            I have the same problem, which was mentioned above.
            I have 2 video cards – Intel HD Graphics 3000 & GeForce 540m, but even if I’m trying to run the game using second card (by configuring it via Nvidia driver) I’m still getting this error. If I recall correctly I could run this game on this setup, but it was about 2-3 years ago. The thing that differs from that time is operating system – I had Win7 then, and now I have Win10. If you would know how to tackle this problem, it would be great, because I have no idea how to run it.

  8. I cant attack in game i can only move i tryed changeing keys but it didnt work also i would like to know if there are some servers cuz i dont think any1 in serbia is playing this game

      1. I have the same problem. On local all my keys work. When I host only my movement keys work. When I join a game none of my keys work.

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