
Do you have a problem with the game?

Here are some frequent issues and a few tips on how to solve them:

Do you have a different issue? Please use the issue tracker below.

Need priority support? Add m.kamminga on Skype or try contacting me on steam. (link on the top of the page)

When you need support please be sure to provide me with the following info:

  • Windows Or Linux version? (for example windows xp? vista? windows 10? Ubuntu 16.06?)
  • Video-card (for example NVIDIA GTX 650 or AMD FURY X) (See this page on how to get this info…)

Current Project: LemmingBallZ

Issue ID# 1 13xmlparserfail when updating from russia or brazil
Status: In Progress Version: 8998 Priority: 3
Assigned to: Menne Kamminga Submitted by: Menne Kamminga Attached file:
Type: Bug Submitted:
09/12/2016 09:03:24 UTC
Last Update:
Description: Your game might crash during startup when connection to the updater service from Russia or Brazil, this happens because our hosting party is blocking access to our updater service.

65 thoughts on “Support”

  1. online dosent work can someone help me i send the right code but it still dosent work.

  2. whenever my friend tries to join something pops up about pressing enter to vote yes to let them join
    though pressing enter does nothing and it times out and tells my friend that not enough people voted to let them join it also says instantly that I voted yes to them joining which just makes things even more confusing

  3. guys can someone help me with their problem when I log in and do all the steps and submit the code it shows “ERROR
    Query failed! no info”
    pls reply to me to how to fix it

      1. Same here. Can’t create an account, getting an error when I input the code.

  4. In the newest version I can’t register an account is says ‘ Query failed no info ‘ PLEASE HELP!

  5. The current “linuxbinaries.tgz” contains an empty (!) “lib” folder. Therefore, the game doesn’t run…

  6. I still get the opengl error message even after updating my graphics drivers. Whats the solutions to this?
    I’m running Windows 7 64bit
    Display adapter is Nvidia Geforce GT520mx

  7. In version 9023 when some connects to you they can’t pick a character. Is there a fix for that?

  8. I will play the old version with bulma on the start screen i cant find the version

  9. I don’t have any sound on the game. Could someone help me with it?

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