Houston… we have a baby…

Hi folks!

Just posting to let you all know my wife gave birth to our first son. Mother and baby are both fine!

Of course this means a little less nerd-time for me, and a bit more father time. Next update may take a bit longer!

We are a very happy family!

PS: next update is going to be a big one! ?

Quick patch: new aura

Hi folks!

My wife and i are having a baby (as you may know), we were “due” last week, but we are still waiting.
In the mean-time i released the aura update, this update should improve security/stability.
It also adds the new aura i have been working on, let me know what you think of it.

Greetz, AnalyticaL

8941 is up!

Epic performance bug fix update…

I was accidently calculating 10.000 particles 10.000 times….

100.000.000 calculation in stead of 10.000… oops?


Particle and physics performance should be much better now.

8940: Particles….


A new version of LBZ is online today with the following changes:

  • 1 nasty crash has been fixed.
  • All particle systems (blood, debris, dust, energy particles) have been removed.
  • A new particle engine is available: can be controlled from LGS: check default_resources.lgs and classes/particles.inc for examples!
  • A few optimization make everything faster

In a coming version i still need to:

  • Make the particles draw smarter/faster.
  • Make a new aura based on particle system.
  • Add posibility for particles to be point lights.

EDIT: oopsie: i added a new crash in 8939, fixed in 8940….