LGS changes.


First engine update of 2014:
HUD (healthbars and whatnot) are now rendered using HTML.
LGS scrip language received a new compiler.

Some sample code changes:

A brief description of the new language features in LGS.
Here follow a short script to explain how LGS code works.
NOTE: @import "core" can be removed from all scripts, it is deprecated.
NOTE: #model etc require quotes ("") around the filenames.
NOTE: The $ character in front of variables is no longer required,
it can still be used to mark something as an identifier that would otherwise be read as someting else.
(2xcombo is read as Number(2) Variable(xcombo), $2xcombo is read as Variable(2xcombo) )
NOTE: functions can now return variables.
NOTE: Expression parsing is much more flexible: you can now call to functions and use the result in an expression.
NOTE: The new compiler worries less about ;'s at the end of statements. They are still recommended though.
//This line loads a model and defines the variable "sheep" to hold the result.
#model "data/models/sheep.xml" as sheep

//function main is the entry point for LGS scripts.
function main () {
//Define a new variable myBigNumber and put 10*20 in it.
int myBigNumber = 10*20;

//define an array myArray and fill it with numbers: you can assign multiple variables to an array using {Expression,...}
int myArray[10]={1,myBigNumber,3,4,5,6,7,8,9*2,10};

//You can define a function inside a function
function getBiggestFromArray(int array[10]/*Accept an int array of size 10*/) return int /*Return a single INT*/ {
int Largest = 0;
//The index for a foreach no longer needs to be defined first.
foreach(array index i) {
if(array>Largest) {
Largest = array //Oops, i forgot the ; here, should work fine though! :D
return Largest;

//Call the function, put it's result + 10 into BiggestNumber
int BiggestNumber = getBiggestFromArray(myArray) + 10;

//Call a function, compare the result with BiggestNumber and display if BiggestNumber is larger.
if(BiggestNumber > getBiggestFromArray(myArray)) {
//Print 210 on console:



IronBulma wants you to vote!

We really wanted Bulma to be a part of LBZ…

If anyone can outsmart Tony Stark, it is of course Bulma.
So people should not be surprised to see her in an extremely improved fusion powered battlesuit.
Repulsor beams (2), a devastating NapalmLaucher(2+U), massive MissleLauchers (2+D) and mighty PulseBlasts(1+2) will show these high powered aliens that the earth is not without defense.
And if that ainĀ“t enough, there is always the panic button (DRLK, then spam 1)…

We hope you will enjoy a nice Iron Man feeling in a decent Dragonball Z athmosphere

Oh… and please vote for us at IndieDB:

Bulma would be happy.. and we might be encouraged to push forward with the next chars to come ;)

Another engine update.

Hi folks:

We are working hard to find the bug that causes the models to be displayed in the wrong place in some network games.
In the mean time, current LBZ versions allow the hosting player of a network game to switch players to different teams. (in team games of course…)