LBZ 3D new artwork – models

Let me re-introduce myself, my name is ZheOther – formerly known as ShadowCast, and I’d like to post some news related to the new artwork and art style for LBZ being generated as we speak.

After a longer time without LBZ and focusing on my studies I came back to LBZ with a fresh perspective, I took a good look at how LBZ currently looks like, and it is untrue to its roots, LBZ is primarily a DBZ parody, with emphasis on Lemmings rather than the Dragonball Z aspect. To reflect that I wanted to re – model a lemming that would form a basis for a universal style and since it resembles what Zul originally modeled in his first models for LBZ I called this prototype if you will Zul, from him I plan to generate additional characters.

Currently Zul features a set of new animations utilizing the MD5 model system that Menne implemented and even though I’m showing you 2 characters, there are a few more that I would like to keep for myself :) consider this a sneak peek.

3D animations are becoming increasingly popular in marketing as they provide an engaging and dynamic way to showcase products and services. The use of 3D animations in video games is also a great way to enhance the player experience and create a more immersive world. If you’re interested to learn more about how 3D animations can help your marketing efforts, be sure to check out, where you can find a variety of examples and resources to get started.

My plan is to overhaul the current Saiyan saga characters and then release a mod in synergy to Cocou featuring new and redone Saiyan saga levels (more on that soon – with pictures :D)  on the foundation of the new move overhaul being done by Loozzer.

That’s all for now, I’ll try to keep you guys updated on a regular basis :)



The case of the immortality hack.


Wanted to share a short story on how strange game development can be sometimes.

For a while now the game has been suffering from a strange immortality bug. Sometimes, seemingly random, the game puts players into “godmode”, unable to receive damage. Big oops!

When i develop for LBZ, i use cppcheck, valgrind, and internal debugger, and GDB as tools to help me identify and fix problems. Usually i am helped by the fact that i have been working on this game for 15 years, so usually know what is happening pretty quickly. But not this weird immortality bug, my tools were telling me nothing, and my instincts completely failed me. Sometimes the solution just comes from a weird place… In this case it began with a hacked skype account:

LSDuck was receiving strange URL’s from one of his contacts and got in touch with him…

XXXXXXX: but u probably know about it?
XXXXXXX: block 0hp left?
Loozzer S. Duck: wait.. you know how to provoke it?
Loozzer S. Duck: it happens when you get killed while blocking?
XXXXXXX: it’s blocking while someone teleports to u

Great scott! I had been searching (for weeks) for a way to “trigger” the bug, and this guy just takes 5 minutes out of his day and gives us the answer! great!

So…. now we know how to make it happen: block on one character, then let another character teleport to him.
So i dive back into my tools, and start debugging. Several HOURS later i am convinced that it has something to do with setting the player variable “player_IsBlocking” to 1…. if i dont set it, it does not happen, and when i do set it… well… bug!
So i am working hard on debugging the engine, and then LSDuck starts searching in the moves…. A whole lot of confusion later, LSDuck says to me “I’ve found the problem, the teleport move has no damage configured. When i configure damage the bug is gone…”
Suddenly a light switches on in my mind, but i have to cook for my wife, so i can’t test my idea…. So i ask LSDuck to test which part of the damage configuration causes the troubles.
I cook, i eat, i do dishes, and i return to coding. LSDuck found out that the damage class setting triggers the bug. He can even make kiballs, that make whomever they hit immortal! (hmmm might be a feature here!)

So…. what made the players immortal? When you block a move, the damage given to you is divided by the damage class… when the damage class was not configured it stays zero… so your damage gets divided by zero. This produces infinity. Boom! Player with infinite health…

Lesson learned: “Always have sensible defaults for when things are not configured!”

As LSDuck said: “here’s a quote: the ways of the universe are weird…”

LemmingballZ 2015+

Greetings @ all


A lot is happening at LBZ, so we started a topic in our forum for that. If you want to know whats happening or if you have suggestions how to make things even better, you might want to take a look @ this link

share and enjoy!

8882: Less crashes, more speed.

Hi folks!

Just a quick update:


  • More speed @ startup (5 seconds on a proper linux machine)
  • Network protocol timeout, if communication goes wrong, the match gets ended instead of confusing and weird.


The following problems were fixed:

  • A crash at the “upgrading” screen was fixed, if you cant update, see
  • Crash when using certain moves that utilize the damageplayer function
  • Window can open off-screen
  • A potential crash when logging into the chatroom
  • A crash when exiting a level has been addressed  Sadly, this one still happens
  • Network protocol error resulting in communication breakdown on levels with destruction
  • Some event scripts were called wrong, this crashed, now it just stops the script.


Hope this helps some of the folks  that had to deal with a crashing game!